Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), Major General Asif Ghafoor on Friday said that Pakistan had dismantled the network of terrorists from its soil.
Talking to a private news channel, he said Pakistan had good relations with the United States and it needed nothing except confidence and trust from the US, Pakistan had cooperated a lot with US and we want to continue the same diplomacy and cooperation in future too, he said. The US could not have achieved the success in war against terrorism and Al-Qaeda without the cooperation of Pakistani forces, he added.
Pakistan had played vital role and extended cooperation to the US in the Afghan war, he said. Pakistan had achieved many successes and contributed a lot to war against terror, he added.
Pakistan had dismantled the terrorists network from the motherland and now it was the responsibility of the allied and Afghan forces to eliminate the TTP and other militant organizations from Afghanistan Gen Asif Ghafoor said.
He suggested that Afghanistan should share intelligence with Pakistan and that Pakistan was ready to cooperate and coordinate with its neighbour to eradicate terrorism.
The DG ISPR made it clear that Pakistan will not allow any country to fight Afghan war from its soil.
The US cooperates with many countries in the field of defence including Pakistan, he said.
To a question he said that Pakistan’s nuclear assets were safe.
To another query he said that India had done massive violations along the Line of Control and working boundary during the 2017.
India was targeting the innocent people including Kashmiris along the working boundary and Line of Control, while
Pakistan only targeted the Indian check posts in retaliation, he added.
The Kashmiris freedom struggle and movement in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir had been strengthened, he

Source: APP