Islamabad - Irna
A senior Pakistani analyst on Thursday said the US allegations that Iran was plotting to assassinate Saudi ambassador to Washington is an attempt to divert the world’s attention from uprising movements in Muslim countries. Talking to IRNA Irfan Siddiqui said that US for past many years has been conspiring against Muslim countries and making all out efforts to divide Muslim Ummah. He said that US has always followed a hostile policy towards Iran and these allegations clearly depict American approach towards Iran. Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi has dismissed the US charges, calling them “already failed, funny and ridiculous scenarios.” He added that the Americans make such baseless allegations against Iran to divert public opinion from problems that the US, international Zionism and the west are facing but their tricks against the Islamic Revolution of Iran will fail as in the past 32 years. Earlier Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaei, in a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon strongly protested against US false claims. The letter said that Iran has always condemned terrorism in all different forms, because it is a victim of terrorism and a clear witness is recent assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists in the past two years by the Zionist regime supported by the USA. Irfan Siddiqui went on to say that US has no substantial evidence to prove their claim, it is just a cheap propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran. “These allegations are totally baseless, it is just like a melodrama”, he opined. The journalist urged the Saudi government not to accept American allegations against Iran and carry out an independent investigation of the matter if they have any doubt. “The US is afraid of anti-American movements in the Muslim world and is trying to sabotage them by cheap tricks”, he added. The analyst expressing his views said that US wants to rule whole Muslim world and the only hurdle in their evil plan is Iran. Irfan Siddiqui strongly believed that the US is trying to divert the attention of the world from uprising movements in Muslim world. The journalist said that US has ruined Iraq and Afghanistan on false allegations. He said recent US accusations against Iran are like a script of a Hollywood film. The analyst said that US wants to sow seeds of discord among Muslim states. Irfan Siddiqui made it clear that the US would fail in accomplishing its evil designs against Muslim Ummah. The intellectual was of the view that the US wants to bring new sanctions against Iran and is trying to isolate Iran. “The US and its allies might bring some resolutions in UN Security Council against Iran”, he viewed. He said that Wall Street movements will continue in the US and cannot be stopped by anti-Iran propaganda. Irfan Siddiqui is well-known member of Jang group and is a senior columnist.