New Delhi - Irna
India is keen to normalize relations with Pakistan provided there are \'conducive factors\' and it has also stepped up effort\'s to enhance ties with China, President Pratibha Patil on Wednesday told her Austrian counterpart. Indo-Pak and Sino-India relations figured during the bilateral talks that she held with Heinz Fischer at Vienna \'There was a reference to the situation in Pakistan and Indo-Pak relations and also Sino-India relations. And primarily the President did mention that we look towards normalisation of relations with Pakistan if various factors conducive for this are provided,\' M Ganapathi, Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs said while briefing reporters here on the talks held, pti reported. He said that Patil, who is currently on a state visit to the country, said that relations with China have moved on and \'there were various agreements on border and other issues and we are further looking to enhancing our relations with China.\' The issue of corruption also figured during the meeting with Fischer talking about Austria based International Anti-Corruption Academy that was set up March 8, 2011. Patil told Fischer that the process is already on back in the country to join the grouping that aims to function as an independent centre of excellence in the field of anti-corruption education, training, networking and cooperation, as well as academic research. Later during her press statement along with Fischer, Patil said, \'India is actively thinking of becoming a member.\' She said India wants to deal \'effectively\' and \'seriously\' with the issue of corruption. Both the leaders also talked about the issue of Palestinian bid for full membership of the United Nations and both stated their respective known stands. The two countries also signed MoU for technology specific cooperation in the field of Railways and another one to develop further cooperation in science and technology that will open all fields of research of mutual interest. Infrastructure cooperation with Austria has been significant in the railway sector. A MoU on Cooperation in the field of Railways was signed in May 2002. This expired in May 2010. In order to continue cooperation in the railway sector, the MoU on Technology-Specific Cooperation in the field of Railways was signed. Addressing the Press, Patil said she had \'fruitful\' discussions on a range of issues, including the threat of terrorism. \'Open and democratic societies like ours are particularly vulnerable to this menace. The terrorist attacks in Mumbai and recently in Delhi and elsewhere in the world, remind us that we must remain resolute and determined in our joint efforts to eliminate terrorism,\' Patil said adding, \'We covered the entire gamut of our bilateral relations, as well as regional and multilateral issues of concern to our countries.\' She said India considers \'Austria as a partner in all international forums. India strongly believes that there is an urgent need to reform the United Nations. The Security Council needs to be restructured to reflect the contemporary realities, if it wishes to react effectively to the many emerging collective security challenges.\' Fischer said India deserves a \'strong position\' in the UN Security Council as the world\'s biggest democracy and its second most populous nation. Patil also thanked Austria for its support to India in Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Patil invited Fischer to visit to India on mutually convenient dates, to be decided through diplomatic channels. Earlier in the day, Patil received a splendid ceremonial welcome in the majestic Ballhausplatz, a square in central Vienna, the inner-court of the Hofburg Palace, the Presidential office in Vienna.