US Vice President Mike Pence said Saturday that the US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson

US Vice President Mike Pence said Saturday that the US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson will arrive in the Sea of Japan in days. 
Pence, who is visiting Australia, said in a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that an aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson is expected to be in waters east of the Korean peninsula no later than this month. 
Earlier, Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported that the carrier and its strike group is to sail to waters off the Korean peninsula after completing training drills with the Australian Navy. 
Pence, who is on the final leg of his Asia tour, also told media that he believes a nuclear-free Korean peninsula is possible because of the Trump administration's "engagement" with China
He said that all options are on the table, and China is the key to influence North Korea, adding that if Beijing is unable to "deal" with Pyongyang, the US and its allies will step up. 
Tensions have been rising as North Korea could conduct additional provocations around next Tuesday, when the country celebrates the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army with a show of its military power. Experts have been saying that North Korea may conduct its sixth nuclear test. 
There was controversy after top US officials misleadingly said last week that the USS Carl Vinson was heading to the Korean Peninsula to deter North Korea, with Trump saying he sent an "armada". But it turned out the aircraft carrier was actually moving in the opposite direction to participate in joint exercises with Australia.

Source: QNA