Berlin - Irna
Racial and Nazi slurs have been painted on the walls of German mosque last week, authorities reported Monday. The paint spray attack on the walls of 10-year-old mosque, located in the sleepy northwestern German town of Kirchenlengern-Haever, took place sometime between 11 pm Friday and 3:15 pm Saturday, according to police. The paint assault included banned 10 by 2 meter signs from the Nazi era and xenophobic slogans.German mosques have repeatedly been the target of racial and Islamophobic attacks in recent months.In Berlin, mosques have been the scene of at least seven firebombings since June 2010.The Sehitlik Mosque, Berlin biggest mosque, has been arson attacked four times in recent times.German Muslim leaders had earlier voiced strong concern over the firebombings of mosques, calling for stepped up security measures. The center-right government of Chancellor Angela Merkel has tried to downplay the anti-Muslim hate crimes as a result of mounting Islamophobia in Germany.