Minister for Interior Ahsan Iqbal.

Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal has said political instability and mistrust in democracy will eventually hamper the process of progress and prosperity in the country.
Talking to media on Sunday, he said recent ‘political game’,
orchestrated in Balochistan, will not certainly bring out positive
developments for the province and the country.
“Is there any precedent in the world that a member having
support of five MPAs only, ever have become chief minister?”
he questioned.
He said Balochistan had been facing host of administrative
and political issues and ‘upheaval’ in provincial assembly would
somehow embolden some elements who were working against
Balochistan interests .
To a question, the minister said statement of Indian army
chief was entirely irresponsible which did create doubts about
India and it was a question mark on India. “Nuclear powers
always show responsible attitude,” he added.
He said such statements were indeed an attempt to bring
the country under pressure, adding in such circumstances,
internal unity and cohesion was fully required.
He said protests and sit-ins at this stage would also add
to the problems.
Ahsan said it was an era of financial and economic development
but the country was facing sit-ins and protests, adding financial
progress needed peace and stability in the country.
He said today’s Pakistan was far better than the Pakistan
in 2013. “What is the need of protests when just five months
are left in elections?” he questioned the opposition parties.
The Interior Minister said it seems one person would leave
for Canada after creating instability with protests and sit-ins,
whereas Imran Khan would set himself aside after using his
shoulders. “We will not allow anyone to play with the democratic
process”, he added.
He said any postponement of Senate elections would create
lot of problems. “Some elements are trying to sabotage Senate
election”, he cautioned and added in case of dissolution of any
provincial assembly, representation in Senate would be affected
which would ultimately give a negative message.
He said in-time Senate elections were the Constitutional
requirement and these elections should never be delayed.
To a question about Kasur incident, he said the government
and law-enforcement agencies were striving for the arrest of
culprits and all sources would be used to bring them to the justice.
He lamented that some politicians were apparently using
this incident for their political agenda which was against political
To a question, he said “if every institution works within the
given limits by the Constitution, then there will definitely be no
To another question about PTI chief, he said that Imran Khan
had apparently become part of history due to his negative politics,
so he may not be discussed any more.
The minister said that if a politician was unable to run a local
bodies system in his province, then how he could run a country.

Source: APP