Pakistani political leader on Tuesday said that US wants to put pressure on Pakistan to force the country to accept their illogical demands.Talking to IRNA Dr. Fareed Paracha, Deputy Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami strongly condemned the statement of US ambassador in Islamabad Cameron Munter that Pakistan has ties with the al-Qaeda-linked Haqqani network, blamed for recent attack on the US embassy and NATO offices in Kabul. “The US ambassador gave the statement to hide their embarrassment. They have failed to provide security to their buildings in Afghanistan,” he said. Relations between the two countries are once again under strain over comments by the US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta and Ambassador Cameron. Panetta blamed the Haqqani network for the September 13 strike against the U.S. embassy in Kabul and had warned unilateral action against the Pakistan-based groups. Dr. Fareed Paracha said that US wants to build pressure on Pakistan as the country has taken a major shift in foreign policy on US. The religious leader said that US policies are completely failed in Afghanistan. He said that it is not right way to blame Pakistan for every failure in Afghanistan. “US itself is an aggressor and wants to dominate the whole world,” said the JI leader. The politician was of the view that US is not happy with Pakistan as they have expelled some security officials and imposing restrictions on free movement of Americans in Pakistan. Dr. Fareed Paracha believed that shift in foreign policy by Pakistan is not acceptable to US that is why they are building pressure on Pakistan. He said that US would fail to implement its evil designs against Pakistan. “US has to understand that right now Pakistan army and the government cannot take any decision against the will of their people.” The religious leader urged the government to disassociate itself form the so-called war on terror saying that it is not the war of Pakistan. Dr. Fareed Paracha added that majority of Pakistanis believe that war on terror has practically been an American war in which the Pakistani government went beyond limits of subservience to the US. People say that the United States is following an unrealistic policy and would not be allowed to implement its agenda in Pakistan. They say that US would eventually shift the center of gravity of the war from Afghanistan to Pakistan and move militarily into Pakistani territory.