President Al-Bashir Receives Written Message from President of Comoros

President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, has received a written message from the President of Comoros, Osman Al-Ghazali, dealing with means of strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries.
The message was conveyed to President Al-Bashir Wednesday by the visiting State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Comoros, Dr. Hamid Kor Haila.
President Al-Bashir has appreciated firmness of the bilateral relations between Sudan and Comoros, affirming the keenness of Sudan to consolidate further the bilateral relations in all domains.
In a press statement, the Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, said that President Al-Bashir has affirmed the keenness of Sudan to support the development endeavors in Comoros and gave instruction for strengthening the cooperation and coordination between the two countries.
Prof. Ghandour said that Sudan and Comoros will remain two sister countries and coordinating stances at all the international forums.
Meanwhile, the State Minister of Comoros has affirmed the desire of his country to strengthen its relations with Sudan and to boost the coordination between the two countries at the levels of the regional and international organizations.
He expressed his country's appreciation of the support that it has received from Sudan in the past years in all fields.
He indicated that the presidents of the two countries are sharing identical views on the importance of the national dialogue for realizing peace, stability and development in Sudan and Comoros.

Source : SUNA