Prosecutors Start Questioning S. Korean Former President

South Korean Former President Park Geun-hye apologized to the public over an influence-peddling scandal as she arrived at the prosecutors' office on Tuesday to be questioned over a string of corruption allegations that removed her from office earlier this month.
Park appeared at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office in southern Seoul in the morning as a suspect of various charges including bribery, abuse of power, coercion and leak of government secrets. "I feel sorry to the public," she said as she arrived at the prosecution. "I will faithfully go through the interrogation". 
Before the inquiry began, Park held a 10-minute tea time with senior prosecutor Roh Seung-kwon. He asked for her cooperation in the investigation to reveal the truth, according to the prosecution, South Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Two of Park's lawyers will take turns in accompanying her during the questioning, which watchers expect could continue past midnight. Police tightened security around the prosecution office, mobilizing some 2,000 officers nearby for contingencies. Access to the compound was restricted to officials and reporters who went through prior security checks.
Prosecutors are expected to grill Park over multiple charges, including that local business groups donated huge sums of money to two foundations allegedly controlled by Choi in return for business favors.
Park has so far effectively rejected undergoing a direct investigation, but the Constitutional Court's decision to oust her earlier this month stripped her of the immunity that had protected her from criminal prosecution.
Park is the country's fourth former president to undergo questioning over criminal allegations, following Roh Tae-woo, Chun Doo-hwan and the late Roh Moo-hyun.

Source: QNA