Doha - Qna
Qatar's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN expressed regret that a large of international efforts to combat terrorism is limited to reaction to terrorism and its symptoms, rather than discussing and addressing its root causes and eliminating the factors that feed it. "For international efforts to eliminating the factors that feed it. For international efforts to eliminate terrorism to succeed, it is imperative to address its root causes, as recognized by the United Nations Global Terrorism Strategy, and the relevant resolutions of the Security Council. This includes several aspects, including improving the living conditions of the poor and unemployed youth and people living under political and historical oppression and foreign occupation," he said. "We must also prevent the incitement to hatred, including incitement to violence and hatred of minorities of ethnic groups, religions and foreigners. In this connection, we note that attempts to link terrorism with any particular religion or a particular ethnic group arc themselves provocative and contributes to the spread of terrorism," he added. He underlined an important step to combat terrorism would be to find a clear and realistic definition to this phenomenon, noting that it should be distinguished between terrorism and legitimate resistance movements against foreign occupation. "As we have stressed during the review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in September 2010, it is also important to refrain from politicizing the term ''terrorism'' and using it to serve specific purposes. Reaching consensus on the draft comprehensive convention on international terrorism during the ongoing negotiation. In the framework of the Ad Hoe committee and the working Group of the sixth committee of the General Assembly, would be an important step in the process of developing criteria for measures to eliminate international terrorism," he noted. He pointed out that the global strategy to combat terrorism was an important step. Therefore, the next step must be developed, which is no less important namely the adoption of the comprehensive convention on international terrorism. The latter should take into account the following elements. First: the broad differences regarding the definition of terrorism and the legitimate right of occupied peoples in their struggle to achieve freedom from occupation and self-determination. Second: determination of the legal means to identify terrorism, and the laws that punish them since many countries have their own laws and concepts in this regard. Third: avoiding unfair and wrong Linkage between terrorism and Islam or Muslims, especially as reality proves that this linkage is false. Fourth: cultural differences between peoples, the importance of constructive dialogue between cultures and the promotion of a culture of understanding and acceptance of others. He noted that the Arab counties will cooperate and work wholeheartedly so as the work of the Ad Hoc Committee and the Working Group will bear its fruit to resolve outstanding issues on the draft Convention, as well as in consultation on the proposal of convening a high-level conference under the auspices of the United Nations to formulate a joint organized response of the interactional community to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Concluding, he said that this year saw the activation of an initiative that will have significant effect in supporting international efforts to eliminate international terrorism namely the initiative to establish the United Nations Centro for Counter-terrorism, launched by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques the King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. This initiative has been widely welcomed by the international community. He called on everybody to participate in supporting this Centre and the Fund that will contribute to its financing, as well as to benefit from the expertise it will provide.