Riyadh, Washington Share View Points on Eliminating ISIS

Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir asserted that he is optimist for the regional future, despite challenges around, pointing out that his country is sharing US new administration of President Donald Trump view points on the necessity to eliminate ISIS and the danger of Iran's regional ambition.
Addressing the 53rd Munich Security Conference, Al-Jubeir stressed that Iran is the biggest terrorism sponsoring country, in the world, as it believes in sponsoring whole Shia'as, all over the world, regardless to their nationalities and regardless of sovereign nations' rights, adding that the Iranians intervene in the internal affairs of various countries, do not respect international law, attack embassies and plant terrorist-oriented cells, in different countries.
Al-Jubeir drew attention of the world that Iran has never been a target of ISIS or any other terrorist outfit, in the region, questioning the reason.
He stated that Iran is insistent on changing the system in the Middle East and it was playing a destructive regional role, henceforth, it is part of the problem not of the settlement, neither in Yemen nor in Syria.
What we are seeking are actions not sayings, he emphasized, drawing attention that Iranians are sending weaponry, such as ballistic missiles to the Houthis, challenging international law and resolutions, and calling for pressuring Iran, in order to change its behavior and apprehend that what they are committing, is not acceptable, he confirmed.
On Yemen, Al-Jubeir reaffirmed that the Arab Coalition countries did not begin the war, in Yemen, rather, it only responded to the call of the legitimate government to save the country from the Houthi militias' rebellion, recalling that Saudi Arabia backs the settlement in Yemen on bases of the GCC-sponsored initiative and its executive mechanism, outputs of the National Dialogue of Yemeni factions and the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2216.

Source: QNA