Russia will oppose attempts by some Western countries to use the UN Security Council to legitimize one-sided sanctions against \'undesirable\' regimes, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Thursday. \"Some Western countries and regional associations have been increasingly resorting to the tactics of imposing one-sided sanctions against \'uncooperative\' regimes,\" he said. \"In making such decisions, they do not confer with other members of the international community.\" He described the trend as \"disturbing.\" Earlier in the day Moscow queried NATO\'s assertion that its Libyan operation Unified Protector has saved the lives of countless civilians. On Tuesday Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution urging the Syrian regime to immediately stop using violence against protesters or face \"targeted measures.\" The draft resolution, sponsored by France with Britain, Germany and Portugal, was supported by nine out of 15 Security Council member states. Four others - Brazil, India, South Africa and Lebanon - abstained.