Tehran - Irna
Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi on Wednesday dismissed the US charges that Iran had planned bomb blasts at the Saudi and Zionist regime embassies in Washington, calling them “already failed, funny and ridiculous scenarios.” Speaking to IRNA after a meeting to brief Iranian envoys on foreign missions, Salehi said such scenarios will bring disgrace for their architects worldwide. He said, “Such a scenario is so funny that is not justifiable even to a child.” He added that the Americans make such baseless allegations against Iran to divert public opinion from problems that the US, international Zionism and the West are facing but their tricks against the Islamic Revolution of Iran will fail as in the past 32 years. Noting that Washington\'s Middle East policies have reached a deadend, Salehi said Americans are now facing a deadlock in Afghanistan and Iraq as the region is faced with Islamic awakening. “They killed tens of thousand in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 10 years, wasting billions of dollars and their military presence in the region led to widening of poverty in the US.” Referring to massive protests in all American cities and states in the wake of the Wall Street demonstrations as a result of aggravated economic conditions, Salehi said not only the economy of the US but also that of the entire world is unstable, affecting European economy. Elsewhere in the interview, Salehi said the Islamic Republic of Iran has been the victim of terrorism over the past three decades, as it lost many of its officials and children. Referring to an international conference for campaign against terrorism, held in Tehran recently, Salehi said accusing such a country of involvement in terrorism is illogical and irrational. “The world public opinion will never accept such an allegation against Iran.”