Woman pushed man away and tried to land a punch in his face when he tried to molest her again

A salesman has been jailed for three months for groping a woman as she was leaving an elevator of the building where they live.

The Chinese woman tried to punch in the face of the 23-year-old Pakistani salesman, who had followed her and molested her in the elevator in November, but he escaped by moving back.

The Pakistani groped the woman twice before she called the police after she walked out of the lift in Dubai International City.

The Dubai Court of First Instance convicted the defendant of molesting the woman although he had pleaded not guilty.

The defendant took advantage of the fact that they were alone in the elevator when he groped the woman.

The presiding judge said the accused will be deported after serving the jail term.

He contended in court that an altercation happened between him and the woman before he pushed her.

The Chinese woman testified that the accused came rushing into the lift behind her at 11.30pm. “He pressed the third-floor button and stood aside calmly. When I was about to leave the lift once it stopped on the second floor, the defendant grabbed me from the back. I turned back quickly and angrily … when I tried to punch him, he moved back. His face seemed calm and impassive and he touched me again. I called the police as soon as I walked out,” the woman told prosecutors.

The Pakistani admitted to prosecutors that he touched the Chinese woman in the lift.

The primary ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 day

source : gulfnews