General Police Tito Karnavian

National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian has assured that the security situation in the country was fine and urged people not to react on the basis of rumors about a money rush in the capital Jakarta.

Such rumors were being spread via the social media.

"The money rush is a hoax. Those spreading such rumors want to destabilize the countrys economy to create chaos," he told reporters after the National Dialogue at the Office of the Provincial Legislative Assembly (DPRD) of Surabaya, East Java, on Saturday (Nov 19).

Asking people not to be influenced by the hoax, he disclosed that he had ordered the Cyber Crime Squad to track down and catch those who disseminated a rumor about a money rush.

He assured that he can guarantee the security of the country in his capacity as the police chief. "I held a meeting with the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNIs) commander on Friday to assure myself that the security situation in the country was quite good. Any demonstration is something normal," he noted.

Most importantly, the police chief urged the people not to be affected, especially by the money rush hoax.

"We are not disclosing the identity of the culprits as they can then run away. Once they are arrested, we will definitely reveal it," the police chief commented when reporters asked him who was behind the hoax.

The national police chief also attended a health related social service event for residents in the Jenggolo square, Sidoarjo, East Java.

At the national dialogue, the Chief of the National Police revealed his plan to form a special team to reduce any conflict potential. The team involved military, police, government agencies, and community leaders.
Source: ANTARA