Egyptian prime minister dr. essam sharaf has reiterated that Egypt is capable of confronting seditions and their Mongers and further maintaining the social fabric against the predators and move forward along the road for building the \\ modernly democratic egypt. In an address over a meeting with the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Armed Forces, DR. sharaf conveyed heartfelt condolences in the name of the egyptian government to the victims of the maspero clashes which took place last Sunday ad left 26 people dead and more than 300 injured. An official egyptian source made clear earlier Wednesday that the supreme council has not anounced the number of its martyrs of the maspero clashes to preserve the morale within the ranks of the armed forces since the appearance of families of those martyrs and the military funerals procession will further increase tensions within the Egyptian community, the matter which negatively affects the integrity of the home or interal front. Earlier Monday, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces assigned the cabinet to appoint a fact -finding committee for probing into the tragic incidents that occurred outside the Egyptian state TV building, Maspero, late Sunday and taking deterrent measures against any person who is proved to be involved in these incidents whether through collaboration or instigation. For his part, the Egyptian military prosecutor has decided to put in jail 28 muslim and coptic defendants who were accused of the flare-up of the violent clashes erupted earlier Sunday evening at Maspero , in central Cairo for a period of fifteen days pending investigations. Egyptian sources asserted that the christian protesters have killed at least four army personnel durig the Maspero events which also left more civilian victims.