Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi expressed his appreciation for the Egyptian people and their keenness on the security and stability of their homeland and understanding of the challenges the country, particularly in the economic domain.

The economic challenges required adopting necessary measures such as liberalizing the exchange rate of the pound and partially lifting subsidies on fuel, President Sisi said answering a question following a lecture he gave at the Portuguese Military Academy in Lisbon on Tuesday.

The Egyptian people accepted the measures out of their awareness on the dangers of instability and insecurity, he added.

What has been achieved in Egypt was the outcome of the people's awareness and belief in the need to protect the State, he said.

He hailed the Egyptians, describing them as the "true heroes" who were able to safeguard their country against terrorism.

Source: MENA