Moroccan pilgrims have complained

Moroccan pilgrims have complained about the unsanitary in which they are performing this season’s Hajj.

According to different online media outlets, Moroccan pilgrims are sleeping in the overly crowded camp  in Mena since they arrived there on Wednesday.

Pictures published online show Moroccan pilgrims sleeping next to garbage plastic bags.

Pilgrims told Moroccan media outlet Hespress that there are more than 3,000 people staying in the camp, while the number of pilgrims in other camps is it most2,000.

Despite the unhealthy living conditions, they say they have not heard from the Ministry of Endowment and Islamic Affairs.

Overcrowding in the Moroccan Hajj camp led to tension between pilgrims, one of them said, even though the pilgrimage is supposed to be a time of peaceful contemplation.

The situation was further exasperated when pilgrims from other nationalities entered and stayed in the camp withouth authorization, exploiting the lack of security control.

The pilgrimshave called on Moroccan authorities to intervene to ensure more suitable conditions in which to perform the rest of theHajj rituals.

The pilgrimsreportedthat some of them were suffering from severe diarrhea because caused by low-quality food.

Complaints by Moroccan pilgrims about unsuitable conditions during the Hajj and the negligenceof local officials is common.

In 2016 and 2015,pilgrims said that they lived in similar conditions, sleeping next to the garbage while members of the official Moroccan delegations avoided their fellow citizens and their complaints
