Slovak Defence Minister Peter Gajdos

The global security situation has dramatically changed, so we need to fight terrorism and growing extremism jointly, Slovak Defence Minister Peter Gajdos said on Friday.

Gajdos made the announcement after meeting his German counterpart Ursula von der Leyen and Czech counterpart Martin Stropnicky during international security conference GLOBSEC in Bratislava.

Gajdos and von der Leyen talked about current security challenges in Europe and around the world. Gajdos briefed her on the priorities and plans of his department that stem from the Government Manifesto.

"We've pledged to prepare a defence and military strategy as well as a new national security strategy sponsored by the Slovak foreign ministry," stated Gajdos.

Von der Leyen has offered Gajdos experience from drafting the "White Book" of the German defence strategy. She praised Slovakia's contributions to the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan and the EU Training Mission (EUTM) in Mali.

Source: XINHUA