South Korean President Park Geun-hye

South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Monday renewed her calls for North Korea to "immediately" cease its nuclear program and threats of provocations, saying its saber-rattling would only aggravate its isolation and economic travails. 
During a speech to mark Liberation Day, Park also defended the planned deployment of an advanced US antimissile system as a "self-defense" measure to protect the nation from Pyongyang's "reckless" provocations, stressing that the plan must not be politicized. 
"I urge (North Korea) to immediately stop developing nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, and halt its threats of provocations against South Korea," she said during the ceremony in Seoul to mark the 71st anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule, according to (Yonhap) news agency. 
"Any attempt at threatening our people and the Republic of Korea will never succeed," she said.

Source : QNA