A Moroccan couple found themselves

A Moroccan couple found themselves the target of racist verbal abuse inside a metro train in the Spanish capital Madrid.

A video shows how, while they were riding the train, the couple was verbally assaulted by a middle aged man.

“We don’t want moros here,” the man tells the couple.

Passengers on the train then step up to defend the man and woman, who is wearing a veil.

Faced with this opposition, the man leaves the train. But before doing so, he hits one of the passengers, drawing even more indignation.

The man continues to yell insults to the Moroccan couple.

“Go to your f–king country,” he shouts at the woman. As he leaves the platform, he makes the Nazi arm salute and shouts “Heil Hitler.”

Following the terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils in August, believed to have been

carried out by Moroccan terrorists, the Moroccan community in Spain has been living in fear of reprisals from groups and people who adhere to racist and Islamophobic ideology.

Several incidents of physical and verbal assaults have been registered by Moroccans, including minors and women wearing the hijab.

Hate speech propagated by far-right groups has appeared to increase, but an important segment of Spanish media and society remains opposed to such discourse.

In the aftermath of the Barcelona attacks, people took part in a counter protest against far-right groups, and the leading Spanish newspaper El Pais condemned attempts to blame the Muslim community as a whole for the terrorist attacks.

“Terrorists are the only ones to blame,” wrote the newspaper
