During his address to the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Abdel Fattah El Sisi outlined Egypt’s strategy to defeat the forces of extremism and terrorism, achieve regional stability

Egyptian Presidential spokesman Alaa Youssef said President Abdel Fattah El Sisi talked during the UN General Assembly meetings in the name of developing countries and briefed the international community on their concerns, especially in what comes to achieving sustainable development under the UN 2030 Agenda.

Speaking to reporters in New York, the spokesman said Sisi talked about the positive and negative aspects of globalization and the fact that the international community should work on increasing advantages of globalization and decreasing its disadvantages.

Climate change was also among the main topics addressed by Sisi during his speech at the UNGA yesterday, Youssef said.

In this regard, the President took part yesterday in a high-level meeting on Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AERI), launched during the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) on climate change in Paris.

The initiative aims at generating more than 10 GW of renewable energy by the end of 2010, and 300 GW by 2030.

Yesterday meeting, the spokesman said, was meant to assess what has been achieved last year to increase African countries' benefit from renewable energy and allocate necessary funds so that African countries can adapt with climate change.

About Sisi call for revitalizing peace process between the Palestinians and Israelis during his UNGA speech, the spokesman said the President has called for reviving the peace process few months ago because he believes that the two sides should understand the importance of seizing the current chance and resume negotiations.

As for Syria, he said Sisi underlined, during his word at the UN Security Council, the importance that all sides concerned would have the intention to find a solution to the five-year-old crisis in Syria.

Sisi called for putting an end to this tragic situation in Syria through the cooperation of all sides concerned, the spokesman said.

The spokesman considered Egyptian-Saudi relations as a model to be followed in relations governing Arab countries, denying there were any disagreements between the two countries.

About Libya, he said the Egyptian stance in this regard is clear. Egypt believes in the importance of lifting ban on arms in Libya so that the army could shoulder its responsibility in fighting terrorists and securing borders.

Source: MENA