A U.S.-Russian ceasefire agreement for Syria is particularly fragile but it remains the only hope to resolve the

A U.S.-Russian ceasefire agreement for Syria is particularly fragile but it remains the only hope to resolve the conflict, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said on Monday. 

"The Russian-American accord is particularly fragile, but this must remain a glimmer of hope. It is the only basis on which the international community can (proceed)," Ayrault told reporters, adding he wanted Washington and Moscow to include the rest of the Syria support group into the ceasefire plan so that they could create a mechanism to monitor ceasefire violations. 

"The Libya situation is worrying and worsening. The offensive by Haftar is not taking us in the right direction,. There is a real chance that we are going backwards in Libya," Ayrault added, referring to an offensive by forces loyal to eastern commander Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA)

Source: NNA