Beirut - Nna
Kataeb Party Leader Amine Gemayel expressed on Wednesday his worry over the increasingly repeated Syrian trespassing into Lebanese territories. Syrian Army Units trespassed on Wednesday evening earthen barricades placed in Anjar Valley - Lebanon. The Lebanese Army coordination bureau said it was currently looking into the matter, with hopes of a speedy solution. \"They are beginning to take a worrying twist at the national, security, and sovereignty levels,\" Gemayel said in an interview with the Voice of Lebanon radio station. At the time that the Lebanese people remain sort of oblivious about the facts behind Syria\'s escalating encroachment into Lebanese territories, Gemayel capitalized on the people\'s right for information about what was really going on. \"This entails full transparency [by the state] because it is our full right to know what\'s happening on Lebanese territories.\" He also said that it was the full responsibility and duty of Lebanese politicians to take a unanimous position from the matter. \"This incident has got nothing to do with internal politics, but it\'s directly related to the state\'s security, sovereignty, and destiny.\"