Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed

Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed hailed as "historical" Egyptian-Italian ties that date back to thousands of years.

On the sidelines of the TTG trade show held in Italy's Rimini, the minister said, in statements to the Italian News Agency (ANSA), that an Egyptian delegation will hold meetings with airlines companies and tour operators to invigorate tourism relations between Egypt and Italy.

Rashed pointed to close cooperation between Cairo and Rome regarding the case of Italian national Giulio Regeni.

The minister added: "We should contain these incidents through close cooperation to reduce any negative impacts that might affect relations between the two countries".

He also urged Italians to visit Egypt, affirming that measures are taken by the Egyptian authorities to guarantee the security of tourists at airports and all tourist attractions.

"The whole world experienced terrorism, not only Egypt", he said, stressing the importance of international solidarity to fight terrorism.

Source: MENA