Trump, Moon Jae-in vow tougher response to N. Korea's nuclear program

United States President Donald Trump has called for a determined response to North Korea after talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the White House.

Trump urges North Korea to "choose a better path"
South Korea's leader promised a stern response to provocation from the North, ABC news reported.

However, while Mr Trump emphasized the importance of the US-South Korea alliance, he also took aim at Seoul over trade and sharing the cost of defense.

Mr Trump reiterated that an era of "strategic patience" over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs had ended.

He called on regional powers to implement sanctions and demand North Korea "choose a better path and do it quickly".

Mr Moon said he and Mr Trump had placed top priority on the North Korean issue and urged Pyongyang to return promptly to talks.

He added that in an effort to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue, the two leaders would employ both sanctions and dialogue "in a phased and comprehensive approach".

Both countries' presidents have said they are open to renewed dialogue with North Korea, but only under circumstances that will lead to North Korea giving up its weapons programs

Source: MENA