President-elect Donald Trump

President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he believes Russia was responsible for the hacking ahead of the American elections. "I think it was Russia, but I think we also get hacked by other countries and other people," Trump said at a press conference. 

    Coming just nine days before he enters the White House as the 45th president of the United States, Trump lashed out at specific news organizations, notably CNN and BuzzFeed. He also criticized the United States relationship with Russia and accusing the soon to be a former president Barak Obama for it.

    The president elect also denied the allegations of having previous relations or deals with Russia and said they are "fake news." Regarding ISIS, he accused Obama for the formation of the terrorist group saying it emerged due to American troops leaving Iraq at the wrong time, leaving a gap behind that created ISIS.

    During the news conference, which was scheduled for Trump to outline how he will address questions about possible conflicts-of-interest related to his vast business empire and becoming a president. His attorney said he will separate himself from the management of the business and leave it for his sons to manage.

    He also commented on previous promise to build a wall between Mexico and United States restating that he will build the wall on the southern border and make Mexico pay for it. He then defended his decision to ask Congress to fund it initially, CNN reported. "We are going to build a wall," he said, adding that he didn't want to wait a year and a half to finish negotiating how Mexico would pay for it.

Source: QNA