Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has underlined that his country is against all forms of racism

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has underlined that his country is against all forms of racism. Speaking at a joint press conference with his US counterpart John Kerry in the Turkish capital of Ankara following a tete-a-tete meeting, Davutoglu underlined that Turkey led the countries who were against all forms of racism and would continue its stance against racism, noting that if Israel wished to hear positive statements from Turkey, then it has to review its own stance.
In response to a question on Turkish-Israeli relations, Davutoglu stressed that Israel acted with a hostile attitude when it killed nine Turks in open seas back in May 2010 as they were on their way to Gaza to deliver aid. "We gave Israel the chance to improve their hostile attitude but for the past 2.5 or 3 years they only tried to legitimize their hostile act," Davutoglu indicated. "The friendship of Turkish people is strong. The reaction of the Turkish people against all attacks is also strong," Davutoglu said. "We made great efforts to facilitate Israeli-Palestinian peace. We are ready to make more efforts. Both Kerry and President Barack Obama informed us that they would make serious efforts on the Israeli-Palestinian issue," Davutoglu stated. Turkey is ready to do whatever is necessary for a just solution with two states (Israel and Palestine), Davutoglu said.

Source: BNA