Dutch Police

Tension between Turkey and the Netherlands heightened after Dutch authorities prevented the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs’ plane from landing in Rotterdam and the Turkish Family Minister from entering the Turkish consulate in the same city.

Dutch authorities blocked the road leading to the Turkish consulate in the city of Rotterdam on Saturday, presumably to prevent the Turkish Family and Social Policies Minister, Fatma Beytül Sayan Kaya, from entering it. As well, the plane carrying the Foreign Minister for Turkey, Mevlüt Çavu?o?lu, was denied landing rights at Rotterdam’s airport by the Dutch authorities.

The Turkish Prime Minister, Binali Yildrim, stated on Sunday that Ankara would retaliate against the expulsion with “strong countermeasures” and threatened to impose sanctions on Holland and cut relations with the European Union.

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, branded Dutch authorities “Nazi remnants and fascists.” Dutch far-right politician, Geert Wilders, responded to the row by tweeting, “The Netherlands can see that these people are Turks, not Dutch. They have Dutch passports but they don’t belong here.” Wilders has built his campaign on “de-Islamizing” the Netherlands. The Dutch election is scheduled for this Wednesday.

Reacting to the decision to prevent her from entering the Turkish consulate, the Turkish Family Minister called upon European countries, especially the Netherlands, to “go back to the principles of democracy they say they defend,” adding that freedom of expression and assembly are “currently suspended in Europe.”

The Family Minister, who arrived in Turkey on Sunday, allegeded that she received “inhumane treatment” from Dutch authorities on her way to Germany. She explained that “most basic needs were not provided” and that her charge d’affaire and five of her team members were detained.

Mevlüt Çavu?o?lu, Turkey’s top diplomat, said in his response: “So they cancelled it due to security concerns, what, so is the minister a terrorist?” The Minister added that Turkey would give the Netherlands “the response it deserves.”

Meanwhile, Turkish expatriates in Netherlands protested near the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam against what they saw as the “undemocratic” treatment of the representatives of the Turkish people.

Source :Morocco World News