Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed the Israeli military attack against the Syrian army

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed the Israeli military attack against the Syrian army facilities last week. "Israeli air raid to Damascus is unacceptable. No excuse can justify this operation," Erdogan told his ruling party lawmakers in parliament after Israel's strikes on the war-torn country. 
Erdogan also blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for government's crackdown on the Syrian coastal region of Banias, as the Turkish premier described the aggression on the region as "genocide". 
Erdogan criticized the international community for "remaining silent" over violence in Syria, calling on the UN Security Council and Arab League to convene and take practical decisions to stem the Syrian bloodshed. 
Before dawn on last Sunday, Israel launched airstrikes against a number of Syrian army facilities in Damascus, mainly at a military research center in the capital's suburb of Jamraya.
Source: BNA