UAE-Singapore Consultative Political Committee holds meeting

The UAE and Singapore have discussed means to enhance cooperation and bilateral relations to achieve joint interests at UAE-Singapore Political Consultative Committee meeting which kicked-off in Singapore.

The meeting tackled several topics of common interest and exchanged viewpoints on regional and international affairs.

Ahmed Abdulrahman Al Jarmin, Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Human Rights and International Law and Ng Tek Hin, Assistant Under-Secretary for Asia and Pacific Affairs led the respective sides.

UAE Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore, Mohammed Omar Abdullah Belfaqeeh, and the Deputy-Director of the East Asia and Pacific Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MoFAIC, Ali Yousif Al Nuaimi, attended the session along with the accompanying delegation.

Ahmed Al Jarmin said that the UAE and Singapore have succeeded in adopting an exemplary model for development, and praised the two countries' recent signing of the Agreement on the Prevention of Double Taxation and Protection of Investment and Air Services. He explained that the UAE is Singapore’s first trade partner in the Middle East and North Africa region and commended high-level ministerial visits and the outcomes of the second session of the UAE-Singapore Joint Committee held in Abu Dhabi in March this year.

The Singaporean representatives valued the partnership between the two countries and considered it a new era of bilateral relations undergoing remarkable development at various levels, stressing the importance of private sector cooperation in both countries as a key element in supporting official ties. The added that Singapore is keen on developing cooperation with the UAE in light of competitive characteristics paving the way to the establishment of refined partnerships over the coming period.

In the education sector, both parties emphasised the importance of establishing educational partnerships, networks and exchanges between educational institutions specialised in research and technology, by way of sharing expertise and building capabilities in advanced sciences, skills, training, artificial intelligence, innovation, technology, as well as promoting educational cooperation to enhance scholastic abilities and knowledge, and developing tools for cultural and human communication between the two friendly peoples.

The committee also discussed participation in international exhibitions, where Al Jarmin invited the Singaporean party to partake in Expo 2020 Dubai. He went on to say that he looks forward to working closely with Singapore to contribute in delivering an exceptional event that constitutes a true and sustainable legacy for future generations.

"This also presents a unique opportunity to highlight the capabilities of both the UAE and Singapore in terms of research and innovation in the fields of renewable energy, transportation, environment and technology before a public from all parts of the world, reflecting the ambitions of the leadership of both countries to enhance sustainable development of clean energy," Al Jarmin continued.

As for international relations, the Assistant Minister for Human Rights and International Law underscored the importance of continuous coordination and consultation between the two countries on issues of common concern in various regional and international forums, especially within the United Nations and its specialised agencies for these constitute the pillars of effective multilateral cooperation.

The parties also tackled efforts exerted at national and regional levels to counter terrorism and extremism and discussed finding effective solutions to the worsening crises in the region, to restore stability to the region and thus contribute to enhancing regional and international security and stability.

On the sidelines of the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee, Taep Sin Song, Minister of State of the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, met with Ahmed Al Jarmin.

Al Jarmin conveyed the greetings of H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to his Singaporean counterpart. He highlighted the keenness and interest of the UAE in promoting and developing ties and partnership with Singapore, to reflect the ambitions and directions of the senior leadership in both countries, and serve common goals and joint interests in all fields.

Taep Sin Song commended the outstanding and exceptional relations with the UAE, praising the comprehensive development the country is witnessing across all sectors and highlighting its high competitiveness that turned it into a pivotal economic and trade hub, and a key destination for global and regional companies.

The two sides concluded the meeting emphasising the need to promote bilateral ties to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership, expand, and develop cooperation in bilateral and multilateral relations to serve and achieve common goals and interests.