Paris train attack

UK Home Secretary Theresa May on Saturday said the Paris train attack was "a shocking reminder" of the threats facing whole Europe.

"Only by working together can we protect our citizens and defeat those who want to harm us," she added in statements after taking part in a summit in Paris called to formulate a coordinated response to the threat of an atrocity.

"In Europe we must stand together in the face of such evil," she said.

"Today I reiterated the importance of proactively sharing intelligence across borders; particularly travel data and criminal records; and ensuring our law enforcement agencies are working hand in hand."

"Only by working together can we protect our citizens and defeat those who want to harm us," May said.

"The heroic behavior of those who stepped in and undoubtedly saved lives demonstrated the shared values that underpin our society - those of fairness, democracy and the willingness to stand up to terrorism," she added.

The recent attack happened when a heavily-armed suspected terrorist boarded a train from Amsterdam to Paris. Ayoub El-Khazzani was carrying an assault rifle, 270 rounds of ammunition, a handgun, box cutter and petrol.

He was foiled in his attack by three US tourists and an IT worker from Britain - all four of whom have since been awarded France's top honor for bravery.
Source: MENA