Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg travelled to Cairo Thursday to pledge Britain\'s support for the continuing revolution in Egypt. “Egypt’s revolution – your revolution – was a triumph for peaceful protest,” Clegg said in his first official visit to the country. “Not only have you changed the course of history for this great nation, but your successes have given heart to young men and women fighting for freedom and justice across North Africa and the Middle East, and across the world,” he said. His visit comes as Britain, along with other western countries, are facing the beginnings of protests against the global financial system inspired by the Arab Spring, including the setting up of a growing Occupy London encampment. According to extracts obtained by IRNA of his speech at special Cairo town hall event, Clegg praised Egyptian youths for achieving a “major victory for democracy and human rights.” “I know many of you are worried that the momentum for change in Egypt is being lost. So I want to make it crystal clear that the UK will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you as we work together to help Egypt complete this journey,” he pledged. The deputy prime minister reiterated the UK’s strong commitment to a long term partnership with Egypt, emphasised the need for a clear roadmap to democracy and announced a package of support to assist the democratic process and economic reform. “The hopes and dreams that drove the revolution must be turned into a fair and plural politics, as well as a thriving economy that delivers opportunities for all,” he said. “Like you, we want to see a clear and credible timetable for transition, along with a lifting of the harsh and outdated Emergency Law. Security must be restored to the streets. And Egyptians deserve clear guarantees on human rights,” he added.