The latest US accusations against Iran are a distraction and a desire by Israel to create another war in the Middle East for its own benefit, according to British professor Rodney Shakespeare. “On the one hand, the USA and associated countries have a desperate need to divert attention from their economic, political and social collapse,” said Shakespeare, who is also a qualified barrister. “While, on the other hand, Zionist Israel wants war,” he said in response of the US accusations of an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington. FBI director Robert Mueller has already admitted that the alleged plot, involving a sting operation, Mexican drug cartels and government informants, sounded as if it came from a \'Hollywood script.\' In an interview with IRNA, the professor of binary economics described the allegations as a “Clown Comic plot” but which on analysis has an agenda behind it. “If we put all this together the meaning of the alleged Clown Comic plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador becomes clear – it is part of the USA, Zionist and Saudi desire to prepare public opinion for an attack on Iran,” he said. But Shakespeare believed that public opinion – at least, informed public opinion – is “waking up to the lies and deceptions of the USA, the UK and Israel.” “All of whom are now pariah states for their refusal to allow justice for the Palestinian people and their support for vicious, autocratic, torturing regimes,” he said “The Western economic and associated political system is collapsing – witness the protests in country after country,” the professor said. “Moreover, Western aggressive, militaristic international policy is being revealed for what it is – aggressive and militaristic,” he told IRNA. On top of this, he said there is “Zionist Israel which is intent on involving the United States in a Middle East war for the sole benefit of Israel.”