United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Trade and Industry Minister Tareq Qabil witnessed on Sunday the signing of two cooperation agreements between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Egyptian Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on the establishment of an Egyptian body for food safety.

The first deal was inked by Director of the Regional Office of the (UNIDO) Giovanna Ceglie and Head of National Food Safety Agency-Management Unit at the Trade and Industry Ministry Hussein Mansour. 

The second cooperation deal, signed by Ceglie and Board Chairman of the Egyptian Countryside Development Company ِAter Hannoura, will serve the national project to reclaim 1.5 million feddans.

The deals were signed before a press conference organized by the UNIDO on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its establishment. 

For her part, Ceglie asserted that the comprehensive and permanent industrial development plays a key role in improving productivity and achieving high economic growth rates.

Also, she said the UNIDO is keen on supporting and bolstering the agriculture sector in Egypt as being one of the promising economic sectors that enjoys significant competitive advantages.

Source: MENA