US State Department

The US State Department issued a new travel warning on Syria to US citizens Thursday, saying that "fighting still persists" and advising against visiting the war-torn country.

"Although a Cessation of Hostilities (CoH) was announced by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) Ceasefire Task Force in February 2016, fighting still persists between combatants in Syria," the warning said.

"Moreover, the CoH does not include ISIL or al-Nusrah Front, which have not renounced the use of violence. The CoH does not make the security situation in Syria any less dangerous for US citizens," it said.

The notice otherwise contains the same language as the last travel warning issued on August 27, 2015.

The State Department has acknowledged that fighting between the regime and anti-regime rebel groups has not halted entirely since a ceasefire took effect last month. Officials though have highlighted the reduced violence in the country.

Source : MENA