Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a phone conversation with US counterpart Rex Tillerson in a

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a phone conversation with US counterpart Rex Tillerson in a phone conversation that the US aggression on Syria plays into the hands of terrorists.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Lavrov stressed during the conversation that the US aggression that targeted the Syrian airbase only plays into extremists’ hands and creates additional threats for regional and global security.

Lavrov stressed that reports of use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government in Khan Sheikhoun in Idleb are false.

On a relevant note, Lavrov also held a phone conversation with German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel during which they discussed the situation in Syria following the US aggression, with Lavrov saying that the US arguments in support of its aggression were not true and convincing.

Lavrov also stressed to Gabriel the need of thorough investigation of the incident and establishment of facts

Russia’s delegation stressed, during an emergency session held in Geneva by the working team to monitor the cessation of hostilities agreement in Syria, that the US aggression against Syria is not only an attack against a sovereign state, but it also reflects negatively on the cessation of hostilities in Syria, a diplomatic source announced.

The source was quoted by TASS Agency as saying that the US aggression will also undermine the meetings of Astana and would only serve the interests of terrorists and those who want to hinder the political process.

The source added that the outcomes of the session showed that only the Russian side has convincing evidence which proves that the Syrian armed forces are not involved in the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun.

The source indicated that the decisive evidence provided by the Russian side in this regard starkly opposes the attempts of the West to circulate false news and to depend on completely unreliable sources to hold the Syrian Arab army fully responsible for the attack and to justify the hostile missile attack conducted by the US against al-Shairat airport.

The Russian delegation called for conducting an independent probe into the alleged attack on Khan Sheikhoun town which was taken as a pretext by Washington to launch an attack against Syria, according to the source

Source: SANA