Benjamin Netanyahu

The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) said on Wednesday that Palestinian and Jewish activists have filed a lawsuit with a US court against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials over war crimes they committed against Palestinian citizens.

The legal complaint by 35 Palestinian and Jewish activists, all American citizens, accuses three Israeli officials, including Netanyahu, his war minister Avidgor Lieberman and former foreign minister, Tzipi Livni of committing war crimes against the Palestinians and funding illegal settlement construction in the West Bank, Maariv newspaper on Tuesday reported.

Trump’s ambassador-designate to Israel, David Friedman and his charity, American Friends of Beit El Yeshiva Center, are also mentioned in the lawsuit as being a major fundraiser for illegal Israeli settlements.

Noted attorney in Washington Martin McMahon prepared the lawsuit and has filed three other lawsuits that are currently before US courts and aim to cut off the stream of funding from the US to Israeli colonialism.

Two weeks ago, former Israeli foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, cancelled her trip to Belgium over threats of arrest over war crimes in Gaza.

This came after a group of victims filed a complaint in Belgium with the Federal Prosecutor against Israeli military officials at the time, including Livni, for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Gaza Strip.

The lawsuit was filed on 23 June 2010, following the 2008-2009 war on Gaza, 1,500 Palestinians were killed.

Source :PNN