The United States condemned late on Monday violent protests in western Kazakhstan and welcomed a thorough

The United States condemned late on Monday violent protests in western Kazakhstan and welcomed a thorough investigation into the causes of the violence.

"The United States is deeply concerned by the recent outbreak of violence in western Kazakhstan. We have expressed our condolences for the loss of life and urged restraint by all parties as Kazakhstani authorities work to restore calm", said State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland in a statement.

"We are concerned by reports that some forms of communication were disabled in the wake of these protests, and urge the Government of Kazakhstan to quickly and fully restore open lines of communication throughout the country", she added.

At least 15 people have been killed as the sit-in demonstration by oil workers in the southwestern town of Zhanaozen escalated into violent confrontation between police and protesters.

Nuland noted that the US administration welcomes "The Government of Kazakhstan's stated commitment to a thorough and transparent investigation into the causes of the violence. Those responsible for any criminal acts perpetrated should be brought to justice in accordance with international standards".

Source: BNA