The Speaker of the National Assembly, Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Omer.

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Omer, announced that a delegation of the US Congress would arrive in Sudan on Sunday, January 21, on a three-day visit.
At a press briefing at his office Wednesday, Prof. Omer said that the US Congress delegation will meet with the Chairman of the Legislature, and the parliamentary groupings separately, the First Vice - President of the Republic and Prime Minister, the ministers of the economic sector and the Security and Intelligence Service.
Prof. Omer indicated that the US Congress delegation will also meet with officials concerned with the national dialogue, leaders of the Sudanese opposition and the staff of the American Embassy in Khartoum.
He indicated that the two sides will discuss the bilateral relations between Sudan and the United States and exchange views on the bilateral relations in the political and economic fields as well as security issues.
He said that the Sudanese side will raise during the talks the issue of removing the name of Sudan from the American list of countries supporting terrorism.
Prof. Omer pointed out that Sudan has never been supporting terrorism, referring to the vast investment opportunities in Sudan at different fields.

Source: SUNA