The United States, Britain and France proposed a United Nations Security Council resolution to condemn

The United States, Britain and France proposed a United Nations Security Council resolution to condemn a suspected deadly chemical weapons attack on Khan Shaykhun town in the Idlib Governorate northwestern Syria.
The draft text, says Syria's government must provide an international investigation with flight plans and logs for Tuesday, the names of all helicopter squadron commanders and provide access to air bases where investigators believe attacks using chemicals may have been launched.
It also asks UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to report monthly on whether the Syrian government is cooperating with an international investigation and a fact-finding mission into chemical weapons use in Syria. The three countries are pushing for a vote on the draft text during the meeting on Wednesday, but it remained unclear if Russia would support it. 
Meanwhile, the draft resolution was distributed to the other members of the Security Council prior to the emergency meeting to be held at 2 pm GMT to investigate the attack. The attack killed at least 58 civilians, including 19 children and 13 women, and injured 170 others in what appeared aerial bombardment of Poisonous chemicals on the town controlled by the opposition. Several parties blamed the Syrian regime for the attack. 

Source: QNA