Washington - Wafa
The United States criticized on Wednesday Israeli plans to legalize settlement outposts in the occupied Palestinian Territory. A US State Department spokesman said, in reaction to reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to legalize outposts on private Palestinian land, that the US opposes efforts to legalize these outposts. “Our position on this issue remains unchanged,” said the spokesman. “The United States has a clear policy – we do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity. We oppose any effort to legalize settlement outposts, which is unhelpful to our peace efforts and would contradict Israeli commitments and obligations.” He called on Palestinians and Israelis “to take constructive actions to promote peace and avoid actions that complicate this process or undermine trust,” urging both parties “to take advantage of the Quartet proposal and return to direct talks.” The Quartet, composed of the United States, European Union, Russia and United Nations, had called on both sides to meet as soon as possible to discuss a return to negotiations. While Netanyahu said he was ready to meet President Mahmoud Abbas any time to resume talks, Abbas insisted that negotiations would only resume after Israel makes a clear declaration that it will stop all settlement activities in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and accept the 1967 lines as the base for these negotiations.