Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemned Washington for planning the September 11 incidents, and said the event was planned as a pretext to stage war against other countries to increase arms sales by the US companies.\"They plotted a story to destroy the twin towers on September 11 to reach their satanic desires and then turned it into a Saga against the nations and a historical stream against the right-seeking and oppressed people with the help of a satanic media stream,\" Ahmadinejad said, addressing a large gathering of the Iranian people in Hamedan province, Western Iran. \"They hatch plots and stage war to sell their weapons, destroy countries, loot the nations and then rush to reconstruct that attacked country,\" he added. Ahmadinejad had also, in his address to the 65th UN General Assembly meeting in New York late in September 2010, called on the world body to form an independent fact-finding group about the 9/11 attacks on the US. \"It is proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding group for the event of September 11 so that expressing views about it will not be forbidden in future,\" Ahmadinejad said. The Iranian President also reminded then that the US administration took advantage of the suspicious September 11 attacks to justify its occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. \"It was said that some three thousand people were killed on September 11 for which we are all very saddened. Yet, up until now, in Afghanistan and Iraq hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, millions wounded and displaced and the conflict is still going on and expanding,\" the Iranian president added during his address.