After seven years of emphatic campaign promises, Republicans senators on Wednesday failed to repeal

After seven years of emphatic campaign promises, Republicans senators on Wednesday failed to repeal "Obamacare", as the senate voted 55-45 to reject legislation undoing major portions of Barack Obama's healthcare law without replacing it. 

Seven Republicans joined all Democrats in rejecting a measure by Republican Rand Paul of Kentucky that would have repealed most of former President Obama's healthcare law, with a two-year delay but no replacement. 

Congress passed nearly identical legislation in 2015 and sent it to Obama, who unsurprisingly vetoed it. 

Yet this time, with a president in the White House who's eager to sign the bill, the measure failed on the Senate floor. 

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that repealing "Obamacare" without replacing it would cost more than 30 million Americans their insurance coverage, and that was a key factor in driving away more Republican senators than Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could afford to lose in the closely divided Senate

Source: NNA