Minister of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said on Monday that Iran is one of the most stable countries in the world who has successfully thwarted all plots masterminded by the enemies . Vahidi made the remarks in a special ceremony for introuducing the new navy commander of North fleet in Anzali port. The Islamic Revolution under the wise leadership of the Supreme Leader goes forward and its military forces mainly the navy force play significant role to this effect, Vahidi said. Vigilant Iranian navy forces should be present in all waters to carry out their duties, he said. Iranian navy forces are now pursuing a strategic approach to attain their lofty goals, he said. He expressed the hope that Jamaran-2 destroyer well-equipped with most sophisticated military apparatus will join the Iranian navy fleet in the near future. Vahidi said that the significant achievements help the Iranian forces to proceed with permanent presence in the Mediterranean Sea with success. The success raised eyebrow of our enemies who assumed that the Islamic Republic will be demolished, underlined Vahidi. He said that the Eastern superpower was collapsed right in front of the eyes of the Islamic Republic of Iran and many analysts believe the incident has roots in the Islamic revolution. “We are now witnessing that the Zionist regime is engaged with such a struggle to maintain its existence from within.“ He said that the world is currently witnessing a third significant incident which has roots in the preaching of the Islamic Revolution -- the collapse of capitalism. Referring to the sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran, he said the sanctions were source of blessing for the Islamic Republic and made the country to be more independent in all sectors.