Voters in Spain are heading to the polls in an election expected to bring in a new conservative government to

Voters in Spain are heading to the polls in an election expected to bring in a new conservative government to tackle the country's finances.

Opinion polls have given the Centre-right Popular Party, led by Mariano Rajoy Brey, a clear lead over the governing Socialist Party, the (BBC) reported Sunday.

Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero - who is not standing for re-election - called the election amid concerns over the economy. Zapatero has led Spain since 2004. 

With slow growth and almost five million unemployed, the economy has been at the heart of the election campaign. 

Borrowing rates this week have passed 6% for most of this week, perilously close to the 7% level which is seen as unsustainable. Voters are casting ballots to elect 350 members of Parliament and 208 senators.

Source: BNA