Sean Spicer

Sean Spicer isn’t taking any chances, even with trusted aides. In light of the number of classified leaks streaming out of the White House since Donald Trump was elected President, Spicer has decided a tight leash on his aides is needed, according to CNN.

An aggressive campaign is underway to stem the overwhelming tide of classified leaks to the media coming from the White House. Eager to do his part, press secretary Sean Spicer called his staff members into his office and, with White House counsel, Don McGahn, “standing by,” Spicer reminded each one of them that the use of any encrypted app, such as Signal or Confide, was a violation of the Federal Records Act.

Not content with simply delivering a verbal warning, he had each member of staff hand over not only their White House cell phone but also any personal phone in their possession. He then examined each one to ensure no encrypted app was being used and no communication with reporters was coming from his office.

According to the same source, Spicer then insisted that his employees refrain from discussing even the meeting with any member of the media. First reported by Politico, Spicer declined to comment on the meeting and expressed frustration that the choice of Mike Dubke as White House communications director had been leaked to the press the previous week.

Once can only assume that, since news of this meeting and its details are appearing in the media, the source of the White House leaks still eludes Spicer.

Source :Morocco World News