On the Youth day celebration, King Mohammed VI

On the Youth day celebration, King Mohammed VI granted a royal pardon to 477 persons convicted by the various courts of the kingdom, said the Department of Justice in a statement reported by the Maghreb Press Agency (MAP).

Out of the 312 prisoners granted the pardon, 298 inmates benefited from a remission of their prison sentence. Three prisoners saw their death sentence commuted to life imprisonment while eleven inmates had their prison sentences commuted from life imprisonment to fixed prison terms.

In addition, among the 165 free beneficiaries of the royal pardon, 66 inmates benefited from pardon over their imprisonment term, while four individuals got their imprisonment sentence dropped with maintenance of the fine.

King Mohammed VI also granted his pardon over the remaining sentences and fine for four people, while 91 other inmates got their fine penalties dropped.

During the King and People day celebration, the king granted a royal pardon to 415 persons, while on Throne Day celebration on July 30, he granted his pardon to 1,722 prisoners who were convicted by Moroccan courts
