Israeli soldiers

Israeli soldiers stationed on the borders between northern Gaza Strip and Israel opened fire and wounded on Friday evening three Palestinians, one of them in critical condition, medics said.

Ashraf al-Qedra, Gaza health ministry spokesman told reporters that two of them were shot and wounded close to the fence of the borders with Israel and the third one was injured near the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahia.

Eyewitnesses said that clashes broke out on Friday evening between dozens of young Palestinian stone throwers and the Israeli soldiers stationed near the fence of the borders, adding that the soldiers opened fire and wounded the three.

A wave of tensions has been ongoing between Palestinians and Israelis since October 2015, leading to the death of over 354 Palestinians, one Jordanian and over 46 Israelis, according to official data.

Tension on the borders between Israel and the Gaza Strip Hamas-led militants had been mounting over the past few days after unknown militants fired rockets into Israel and the Israeli army war plans and tanks fired back.

Xinhua: Source