Palestinians ready for peace

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed that his administration adheres to the option of two states as well as international law and international legitimacy to ensure an end to the Israeli occupation and the establishment of the independent State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital to live in security and peace alongside Israel on the June 4,1967 borders, and its readiness to deal positively with the administration of US President Donald Trump to make peace.
The President stressed that persistence of the Israeli Prime Minister in his dictates regarding continuation of Israeli control over the eastern border of the territory of the State of Palestine as well as to demand recognition of Israel as a Jewish state are considered a continuation of the attempt to impose facts on the ground and to destroy the two-state option while replacing it with the principle of one state with two systems i.e. apartheid, according to the Palestinian Info and News Agency (WAFA).
The President called on the Israeli Prime Minister to heed the demand of US President Donald Trump and the international community and halt all settlement activities, including in occupied East Jerusalem, stressing at the same time his willingness to resume a credible peace process away from the dictates and the imposition of facts on the ground, and to solve all final status issues, without exceptions, based on the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab peace initiative of 2002.
The President said that the insistence of the Israeli government to destroy the two-state option through the continuation of settlements and imposing facts on the ground will lead to more extremism and instability, stressing the need to defeat extremism and terrorism in all its forms so that people of the region can live in security, peace and stability, WAFA reported.

Source: BNB